Football Faith #3 – Endzone Celebration
October 29, 2023
Welcome all to the love and grace of Jesus. Cornerstone United Methodist is excited to have you in worship with us today in our one combined service. Today we will be worshipping with our praise band leading us in “Christ Be Magnified” and “House of the Lord”. Then we our chancel choir will lead us in “Freely Freely (UMH 389) and “Just a Closer Walk with Thee”. We are also so blessed to have our children’s choirs singing three sings for us today. They lead us in “Joyful Journey”, “Walk Humbly”, and Sing to God with Thanksgiving”. Our scripture today comes from the book of Numbers, chapter 10 verse 10. Our message will be presented by Rev. Dr. Brian Germano and is titled “Endone Celebration. This is the final installment in our Football Faith Series which explores the intersection between Football and Church. Thank you so much for choosing to join with us today for our combined worship and celebration!
Cornerstone UMC: Reflecting the love of Jesus by Nurturing, Connecting, and Impacting.
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