Disciple Bible Study Testimonial
July 21, 2024
Welcome all to the love and grace of Jesus. Cornerstone United Methodist is excited to have you in worship with us today for our 10:30 blended service. Today, we start off with a beautiful prelude of “Trust and Obey”, performed by Ms. Carolyn Kramlich. Our hymns today both come from the UMH, with Mr. Thomas Sheets leading us in “Thy Word” and “Wonderful Words of Life” As we move into our prayer and offering time, our choir will lead us in “Come to Jesus”. The second half of our service will be led by our praise band as they play “The Sending” before our scripture and testimonials, and conclude with “What a Beautiful Name”. Our scripture today comes from the book of John, chapter 8, verse 31. Today, we will not have a regular message, but instead hear from several members on their experiences in participating in the Disciple Bible Study series, and we invite you to join us as we continue this series here! Finally, we will offer a blessing to all our teachers and administrators before they head back to school this week! Thank you for being part of our blended service today and every week!
If you are interested in joining one of our disciple classes this year, please email the church office at cstoneoffice758@gmail.com
Please include your name and which class (Disciple 1, 2, or 3) you are interested in attending in your email.
Cornerstone UMC: Reflecting the love of Jesus by Nurturing, Connecting, and Impacting
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